During this summer's pop-up store with PARCO Shibuya we had the chance to collaborate with GABBY, the NETFLIX star, model and activist.

GABBY is part of the reality show 'Is She The Wolf', and is a contributor to SDGs17 and WITH magazine talking about sustainability, gender equality and child poverty.
We asked GABBY five questions ...

Why did you choose to become a model?
I wanted to be a model since I was in elementary school.
At that time, I couldn't read Japanese, so I was constantly looking at fashion magazines, and I think that's what got me started. The inside of the magazine looked so sparkly and I started to admire this world. So, I definitely wanted to become a model in the future!


"I live my life believing that everyone is equal. So, I have never felt that I am handicapped being a woman."

What do you think about gender equality in Japan?
I live my life believing that everyone is equal. So, I have never felt that I am handicapped being a woman. However, I feel that there are some issues that need to be addressed within society in general. Both men and women should respect their individuality and lifestyle. Especially for women who give birth, there shouldn't be any burden for a woman's career-path to give birth to a child.
Which are your favourite spots in Tokyo to go shopping and to hang out at?
I feel that Shibuya PARCO and Miyashita Park are great places.
Whenever I spend time with friends, I like places where I can feel close to nature. Regarding food, PARCO has a lot of food in the basement, but among all the restaurants there, I can recommend "Gokumi" from Fukuoka. It is a place you'll be happy to stand in the queue. I can confidently recommend it to you! After shopping, I like to relax and drink coffee at the rooftop of PARCO.
Did you see the fireworks the other day? Up there you can have a relaxing time with a panoramic view over Tokyo. Definitely go there! Explore and find your favourite spots!
PARCOは地下にフードが沢山あるのですが、その中でもオススメは地元福岡からきた"極味や "ここだけは並んででも食べたいと思えるので自信をもって紹介できます!ショッピングした後はPARCOの屋上でのんびり身体を広げてコーヒーを飲むのが好きです。この前は花火を見たかな
"I immediately understood the brand's vision! When I saw the clothes, I felt a passion for them...

Why did you decide to participate in SHOHEI's editorial shoot?
When I was offered a collaboration, I checked out the brand's clothes and image.
Looking at their website and social media, I immediately understood the brand's vision! When I saw the clothes, I felt a passion for them...
I also sympathised with the designer's commitment to sustainable manufacturing, so I decided to participate.
SHOHEI のエディトリアル撮影に参加しようと思った理由は?

"I think SHOHEI clothes will be an important piece of your wardrobe that you won't get tired of wearing with different outfits for years to come."

How did you feel about the SHOHEI products during the shoot?
SHOHEI has very cool and great products. The fabric, the name tag, the way it is made, the details, everything is thought through with great attention to detail. The SHOHEI products are chic yet delicate pieces of clothing with a great design aesthetic. I think SHOHEI clothes will become important pieces of your wardrobe which you won't get tired of. You can wear it with different outfits for years to come.
SHOHEI の洋服はいかがでしたか?